Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The drawing i posted is a campaign poster against identity theft, it shows an ATM card, a credit card, an email account and a thief they are all explains how identity theft was happened.identity theft starts on you're email account, they ask the information of you're bank account and get an access of what bank account you had so don't be gullible instead be observant.Thieves are against the law and they all must punished and get imprisoned.

Sunday, December 6, 2009



If you’re keen on photography, you probably have got a DSLR camera. You’ll probably also realize the most inconvenient thing about these professional gadgets – they’re heavy and bulky.The camera is shaped like a game console controller, has two arms extending from the main camera body, which are designed to facilitate both left and right handed users. Getting the control buttons onto the extension arm the arms can be jabbed back together to function as one extension making the camera even more versatile in utility.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

" Who is responsible for the identity theft? "

Card holders are the responsible for the identity theft. Being card holders they must secure, observant, ask the card company and not being gullible and not publish the details about their card.

Consumer's behavior must change, it is their responsibility on how to be alert. They must not just rely on the card company but to be more secure.

Identity theft are now more aggressive, they must be punished by law and the appropriate punishment for them is by being prison for long years and must pay times from what they steal.

By the international nature of internet, thieves can be handled by just creating a virus that only the identity theft will be affected, for them to stop phishing.

the advice that i can give to the card holders will just be observant, secure the details of your card, and ask the card company for the protection of your card.